¿Has it ever happened to you that your mind doesn't stop spinning? such as when you are worried about something you left pending at work, or a conversation that has not taken place, or just because you feel that many things haven't been solved. It happens to me a lot!
It's normal for us to be concerned about certain things in our lives that may not be quite right or that steal our peace of mind and spiritual calm. This ritual will help you to calm and quiet your mind through positive thoughts and feel the present moment. It also balances our soul, helps us to be aware of what we live, and give a positive turn to our vibrations.
To start, find a place where you feel calmed and comfortable, find a playlist of relaxing songs or meditation music and choose the one you like the most.
"This ritual will help you calm and quiet your mind through positive thoughts."
The first exercise we are going to focus on is our breathing. We commonly breathe unconsciously, our body gets used to breathing as a survival method, however, when we are conscious of our breathing, we activate our chakras and we blank our mind. Try to fill as much as you can your diaphragm when you inhale and count 4 seconds while you do it, count 3 seconds holding the air, and finally release the air through your mouth in another 4 seconds. Do this exercise 10 times.
"I decide to live my life from calm and positive vibrations". You can create your mantras and incorporate them into your life, remember that a calm mind is a grateful heart.