
Soul bites abroad



Morocco is a North African country that all lovers of culture and gastronomy should visit. Going to Morocco is a perfect way to discover unforgettable landscapes, learn about its architecture and experience the Moroccan culture, which is very interesting for being so rich and diverse.     When visiting Morocco, it's important to walk through its medinas (old neighborhoods) to discover all the history and culture that is represented there. We must also visit its traditional markets and ancient palaces to enjoy the different colors and exotic smells that we find while walking. Visiting the souks or traditional markets can be a bit overwhelming because of the number of people and sellers, however, the most important thing is to be patient and enjoy the whole experience.       In Morocco, there is a place called Chefchaouen, where we can find many little houses painted in blue. Some say that the Jews who migrated to this area began to paint their houses in this color to remember the sky, which allowed them to be closer to God, it is also said that the blue color repels mosquitoes and other insects characteristic of the area, and finally, there is the most accepted theory that says that they did this to keep their homes cool in the heat of the area. Whatever the reason, it looks beautiful and is the perfect spot for photos!    

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Tulum is an ancient Mayan city located in Quintana Roo, in the southeast of Mexico, and is undoubtedly a must-see destination to live a magical experience. There you can enjoy unique plans such as visiting the archaeological zone, swimming among the cenotes, and even do yoga on the white sand while enjoying the view of the beautiful turquoise blue sea.     City among the stars. Did you know that Tulum was a school of astronomy many years ago?, some of its buildings had concave mirrors that reflected the sky and that was how the Aztec, Zapotec, and other ancient cultures studied the stars. A curious fact for those who love this topic.       Tulum has become in recent years the best place for practicing yoga and meditation. Walking through the town and the beach you can find workshops, classes, and seminars dedicated to spirituality. If you are on vacation in Tulum and you are interested in the spiritual world, it is a MUST to do some of the activities in this incredible place.    

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The Coachella music and arts festival is a music event that hosts the world's best artists every year in Indio, California. Going to Coachella means enjoying two weekends of non-stop dancing, listening to very popular artists of all genres, seeing super fun people, and singing like no one is listening. For that and many more reasons, this festival has become one of the most well-known, important, and influential in the world.     Fashion is an important and attractive topic at Coachella, thousands of people attend every year with the most original looks following the hedonistic and carefree style characteristic of the festival. Makeup with rhinestones, tops, and skirts with slits, floral garments, and crochet dresses, are just some of the characteristics of the "boho chic" style, very characteristic of all attendees.     You can choose whether to go to Coachella the first weekend (where everything is more expensive) or go the second weekend. I have had the opportunity to go three times and the last time, I went the first one. For me, it can be even better to go on the second weekend, because there are not so many people and you spend less money.    

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Capri is an island in the Bay of Naples, located in the Tyrrhenian Sea, famous for its natural beauty, soft weather, exclusive hotels, and active commerce that makes it perfect for shopping. Capri is one of those small places that can be visited in a short time but that offers many things to see and do, that's why it is considered today as one of the most demanded and visited tourist destinations in Italy.     The biggest attraction of Capri is the Blue Grotto, a small cave with a strong blue color in the water that is reflected even in the walls and ceiling of this idyllic place. There is a legend that says the Blue Grotto was home of the Emperor Tiberius' ghost, which is why the fishermen of the area avoided going in there, until a local fisherman showed the place to the German painter August Kopisch, and from there it became the most famous cave in Capri. How beautiful it is!       One of the most beautiful things about the island is that it is full of legends and magical worlds to discover. According to one of the legends, mermaids are also part of this mythological and fantastic place. The locals still say that the mermaids, with their sweet song and their attractive female forms, enchanted sailors, leading them to their ruin and leaving their boats immobilized on the reefs.    

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Australia is a very large country located in Oceania, it's exactly the sixth-largest in the world and one of the least populated. This country is known for its natural landscapes, exotic animals, road trips, adventure plans, and big cities, making it the perfect destination to live an unforgettable trip with lots of plans to discover!         Did you know that Australia is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world? This means that most of its inhabitants weren't born there, so in the streets, we can find people from very different countries, cultures, and backgrounds, which creates a very cool and inclusive multicultural environment. This can also be a very good reason if you want to study or live in this country.         The strong accent of the Australians always attracts attention, they have some different words to English and that makes it a little bit difficult to understand them, but it is all part of their culture and tradition and of course of the travel experience. Besides, they are very friendly, joyful and active people, so you will have nothing to worry about in this aspect.    

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Bali is an island in Indonesia well known for its cultural richness, colorful landscapes, good vibes, and tropical beaches, which makes it a must-see destination for all types of travelers. Besides tourism, the economy of Bali is based on agriculture, especially on the cultivation of rice. The rice fields and terraces with crops of the zone are very visited by the tourists, who can appreciate the beautiful views and take very nice photos.     I came to this magical place through a friend who one day told me she wanted to do a spiritual retreat in Bali. We went together and it was better than I thought. Ubud has a unique energy, the restaurants are delicious and the options are almost always vegan. The environment is very hippie and everything is cheap.     Bali is called the Island of the Gods because of the number of millenarian temples that can be found on the island (more than 10,000) and because of the kindness from all the people. Unlike the rest of Indonesia, Bali is in its majority Hindu, which is reflected in its temples, culture, and traditions. To visit the temples of Bali it's very important to take comfortable and modest clothes (avoid wearing shorts and dresses) and follow all the recommendations they give you at the entrance. Sometimes their culture can seem a little bit extreme but it is always better to follow and respect their traditions.       One of the curiosities of Bali is that Balinese dogs are the oldest and purest breed in the world. Its genetics hasn't been very varied due to the low contact with other breeds for many years. Who wants to adopt a puppy in Bali?

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